Friday, April 20, 2012

IOS DEV Tweet song that is currently playing

i had made a web app where you enter what your listening to and it tweets it... now I'm trying to make it into an app. My original app, a web view with reachibility was rejected for being too much like a web app, which apple recommended i make a web app instead. Now i am changing it do it can detect what song you are currently listening too and uses the built in twitter. I found some documentation for the twitter functions, and NONE for the music... if you could just tell me how i would detect what the person is listening to, and then how to tweet it with additional text before/after the name of the song their listening to... thanks! (Also, is it possible to have the app send the song name to a web server and then send the text that would be in the tweet back? Only because the web version has iTunes links that matches with the song if you wanna buy it, and the only way for that to work is through a php script on the web server...)

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